This move stinks so bad! There's nothing good I can say about it. The acting sucks, cinematography and continuity are totally absent, costumes are incorrect for the period, inaccurate reflection of history, etc. I mean, this is the South in the early 60s? No one has a southern accent and there are as many black people on campus as there are white people(?). The boat in the one scene is fiberglass which has not yet been introduced into commercial boat building and what's the deal with the Chevy that would only be a few years old but looked like it was dragged through death's door? The premise of the movie is a "team growing up" flick but the actors are adults.
It's hard to imagine that anyone would like to watch a 26 year old man pretend to be a kid. Corey Haim, sorry but this movie belongs in the can. Keith Coogan, here's a quote for you to learn for a new career, "Would you like fries with that?"