Jeanna Fine is the star of this murder mystery from Wicked Pictures, but of course Jenna Jameson gets top billing as then super-starlet, well-promoted to become essentially the top Adult performer of all time.
It's one of many early Brad Armstrong/Greg Steelberg collaborations, interesting now in comparison to Brad's many solo big-budget features since. The low budget is evident in crummy sets, whether for a lawyer's office, a bedroom or a sex club, but the main set of an interrogation room is well-done.
Inspiration here is clearly from the Sharon Stone hit "Basic Instinct", with Fine as the femme fatale, prime suspect in the murder of her husband. The sex club scene is confusing, as it appeared to me that unbilled Mark Davis was playing the husband in flashback but this is never fully established. (IMDb character names are wrong, and I'm fixing them now).
Vince Vouyer and Anthony Crane are good as the detectives, but Fine is outstanding, always remaining in character in her leading role. Jameson overacts miserably in the later reels, but of course is sexually powerful, especially in a kinky BDSM lesbian erotic fantasy dominated by Fine.