In this detective story, Peter North is a disabled former policeman, but now a divorced private eye, drowning his sorrows as the movie starts, and the plot follows Peter's adventures throughout the film, from beginning to end.
The phone rings and his ex-wife (Traci) wants him to help deal with a blackmailer. Scene with Traci and Peter follows. Then Peter drives to the Mansion to talk to Louise Harrison (Christy Canyon) about his assignment and terms of payment. When he arrives, Christy is getting it on with Ginger Lynn in the bedroom and we get to watch what Peter saw, Christy's first girl/girl with Ginger. After the girls finish, Christy hires Peter, and more adventures follow. Later, in a sunny outdoor setting, Christy joins Peter and Ginger in a great three-way scene. Although this outdoor scene lacks the tender affection of her bedroom scene with Marc (On Golden Blonde), there is an obvious affinity between Christy Canyon and Peter North, a certain magic which brought those two SuperStars together in many subsequent Features, covering several years. For Christy fans, this delightful fun-in-the-sun is the highlight of this film.
Before the film ends, Christy also has a bedroom three-way with Ginger Lynn and Jamie Gillis. These scenes for NIGHT OF LOVING DANGEROUSLY were shot concurrently and intermingled with another Paradise Visuals film, ON GOLDEN BLONDE, in September 1984, on the same Set, Christy's second and third XXX-filmings. In the course of the Plot, Christy Canyon is never involved in any Traci scene, and underage Traci is never involved in any Christy Canyon scene. This allows some of Christy's performance to be reproduced in GIRLS OF PARADISE and other Compilations where Christy Canyon fans can still enjoy them. The Gillis scene is preceded by a candid discussion between Tom Byron and Peter North about how sweet and nice Christy Canyon was, and is, and Tom remarks about her "tits that float up to the ceiling!" See that one if you can, in Paradise Visuals "Girls of Paradise".