American Tigers is one of those great films that have failed so miserably in what they were trying to do, screwed every single thing up so spectacularly it's gone full circle and become a very enjoyable watch.
One of the funniest films I have seen in quite a long time, the acting is ridiculous, the stunts are abysmal, the writer should be forever banned from going anywhere near a script again, it feels like it was edited by a 14 year old high school student and as for David Worth (the director), someone needs to seriously sit him down and break the news to him; he just hasn't got it. In fact, if it weren't for the movie being so unbelievably long and boring in parts, I may have considered the possibility that this was a parody.
There are car chase scenes that change location mid-chase, actors look directly down the lens, characters come and go with absolutely no introduction and the movie is WAAAAY too long.
The movie comes in at roughly 115 minutes... and it feels longer. Every single shot is too long, every single scene is too long, every single pause is too long, so if you're going to watch this, make sure that the fast forward button on your remote is in good working order, you're going to need it.
So if you're fast forward button works and you're looking for a hilariously bad movie to watch, then you can't do much better than American Tigers.