Many may think this is just another Venezuelan telenovela (soap opera) with all the car accidents, amnesia, and lost babies typical of telenovelas. THEY ARE NOT MISTAKEN! It has a very promising and magical story about a young girl named "Llovizna" (Drizzling Rain - Interesting name) who finds out that her mother was killed by the powerful owner of the steelmill where her grandfather worked and died after being burned. She sets out to destroy him and is caught in her own trap on the way, risking the lives of all the people she loves. She ignores a truth that is shocking (I wont spoil it!). The story has some typical elements of telenovelas but is refreshingly different. Unfortunately, the acting is quite amateurish and the setting is extremely cheap. The production company, Marte TV, has gone out of business and this was one of their last productions. The main problem with the telenovela is that it lacks great actors to give life to their complex characters. They make it extremely simple. Caridad Canelon's "Marhuanta" is the only commendable performance. The other either suck or are mediocre. The story is a bit tragic and mean spirited which may also turn off viewers. Overall, it is an interesting telenovela with an original story that ultimately ends up being mushy and typical. It is a decent production which would have been a masterpiece if well-performed and produced. Unfortunately, "Llovizna" lacks the elements necessary to make a great Soap Opera. This is only recommended for avid telenovela viewers who usually enjoy telenovelas from Venezuela like me.