These were very angsty times. The pilot episode was too chatty, and the series ended, just as things were getting interesting. So I can get why it could be a turn off to the general audience. But some will enjoy it. It has late 90s TV charm, and they even shot at that appartement Bailey and Sarah, move into on the next season of Party of Five. The similarities with Dawson's Creek are uncanny, only the characters are in their twenties, and moved to Hollywood. Which is weird, because both shows premiered around the same time. The leads are great (Jennifer Garner was definitely going places) and the acting is good overall. Some scenes are so good even, they could belong in a movie. Which goes to show TV shows were still underestimated back then. I didn't like it the first time I watched it on DVD (and now I can't find my set anywhere) but someone posted the whole six episodes on the internet. And they are worth checking.