The show "Linc's" originated on the Cable Channel Showtime in the United States, not in the U.K. as previously stated. During that time, Showtime experimented with several black-themed series, specials and projects...much as it's previous experimentation with gay issues. These "phases" at Showtime were the growing pains of a Pay-Channel who tried to find it's niche. It started out in the late 70's and early 80's with cultural programming including Broadway and Off-Broadway plays. It also hosted several A-List Live Concerts (i.e. The Diana Ross Central Park Concert). It later went into it's "Black Phase" and launched careers of several black actors while revived the careers of others. Still unable to compete with HBO, it went into it's "Gay" phase which is dying out. Now its programming is mostly Mainstream with an Edge...Huff, Weeds, Brotherhood, etc.