My introduction to the very short lived character of Possum Pearl was actually through 'Hill Billing and Cooing', a great cartoon and one of the better late Popeye cartoons (that is saying a lot by the way). Have said many times about loving animation, and have done since toddler-hood, of all decades and styles. Or at least there has always been the effort the effort to at least appreciate all decades and styles of animation. Including the more obscure and not as high budget animations.
'Possum Pearl' for me is not a great cartoon, or even a particularly good one. It is certainly not terrible, or even bad, there are certainly far worse cartoons out there. As well as much better. It is interesting to see how a supporting character in a previously seen Popeye cartoon would fare as a lead and Famous Studios did do quite a lot of good and more cartoons when it was active, including when past prime (and they were past prime certainly when 'Possum Pearl' came about). 'Possum Pearl' is watchable, but there is nothing special here.
There are good things. There are some nice vibrant colours in the animation and some fluid movement. The best aspect of 'Possum Pearl' is the music, which is fantastic. Not unexpected though, as even when Famous Studios were past prime the music was always consistently good, and there is the usual merry energy and lush orchestration that enhances the action.
Did think there were a few amusing moments, especially with the reactions of the bird. Pearl is quite fun and proves that she can be as good a lead as as in support. The voice acting is solid.
However, the low budget does show in some rushed looking drawing and backgrounding that lacks detail and doesn't look complete enough. The gags are too few and most that are present are too tired and needed more energy to work.
Furthermore, the story is very flimsy and has nothing surprising or lively. It just feels very bland and thin.
In conclusion, watchable but more for a one time watch than repeat viewings. 5/10.