Martial arts man mountain Bolo Yeung stars in, and playfully directs this riotous Kung Fu comedy alongside his fellow talented artistes: Jason Piao Pai, Tung-Kua ai, and Lung Chan. Two eccentric prisoners are arbitrarily called upon to become sheriff of a sleepy, vice-ridden village, thereby unleashing a stupendously joyful salvo of mirthsome madcap Kung Fu jackanapes! With a bounty of frantic knockabout chop socky, and exuberantly mounted slapstick silliness, Bolo has an absurdist 'Carry On Kung Fu' vibe that I strongly connected with. While legendarily adept at playing iconic Kung Fu heavies, it is a rare delight indeed to see Bolo so exuberantly expressing his no less masterful clowning expertise!