This B-movie is from tiny Peerless Pictures. Surprisingly, it's rather good. Now I am not saying it's a 'must-see' picture, but it's better than you'd expect from a cheap B.
When the film begins, Don (Onslow Stevens) and his friend Ralph have been on a sea journey for a very long time. In fact, Ralph hasn't been home in a decade. After the boat explodes, Don arrives at Ralph's family estate and poses as Ralph. This is because apparently, some crazy family member is planning on doing Ralph in and taking the family fortune. So, Don sticks around and investigates, but there is a hitch-- Ralph's old girlfriend has fallen for Don and thinks he is Ralph!
While the plot is a bit contrived, the acting is generally good and the story works pretty well--provided you don't think too much about problems with the plot or listen to the musical interlude (yuck!). Worth seeing if you like Bs--and not a bad time-passer for the rest of the folks.