Mexican actor Jose Mojica graced 9 or 10 early 30s films made in Hollywood for the Spanish language market, with his pleasant personality and singing. Here is a full length almost 2 hour biography in flashback starting with him in shadows preparing for his duties as the priest he would later become.We go back as far as 1896 and his sickly childhood in an abusive household followed by his participation as a soldier in 1910 in the Mexican Revolution. He hides from his mother that when he goes to work abroad it is as a restaurant servant.
His romantic inclination comes into conflict with the need for sacrifice and discipline if he is going to have a career as a performer. He goes to a Franciscan monastery for a film he is making and later returns to the monastery setting when the mother he has been attached to is dying.
The title of the film comes from the first line of the prayer of confession in Spanish.