Sadly, this case is not uncommon due to the mindset of the police who have a profile of the guilty, are determined to fit the facts to their profile and disregard what doesn't fit. The prosecutors who withhold evidence from the defence and ignore evidence which would clear the suspect. Witnesses who could clear the suspect and are not called to give evidence, possibly because the prosecution withheld that evidence from the deference or they did not come forward until too late. "Witnesses' like the young girls who made false allegations for fun, then never admitted their had lied, and not forgetting the public perception that a suspect must be guilty as he has been arrested. Add all this to the suspect not being 'good looking' and you have the perfect storm.
We only know of this miscarriage of justice because the case was reopened and Stephan Kiscko was cleared, and would never have been convicted if the investigation had not ignored evidence which did not fit. To his credit, the mentally battered Stephan steadfastly refused to admit his guilt, after the first coerced confession made without a legal representative. He was promised parole if he confessed and told that he would spend the rest of his life in jail if he did not confess. He was offered mental health treatment as a reward for admitting he was a sexual predator, but he refused to admit to what he had not done.
Were the girls who lied ever charged with perjury? Were the police and prosecutors who railroaded Stephan ever reprimanded? the pressure to obtain a confession after he was jailed was an attempt to get the police off the hook and protect them from being investigated. A very frightening tale of injustice. How many other innocent men and woman languish in jail through sloppy prosecution?