But... Please can we be careful how we describe Stefan Kiszko? I never met him, but I saw him on TV in an interview. He suffered from hypogonadism which gave him a certain physical appearance, including being very overweight. He was socially very awkward and later became mentally ill, hardly surprisingly.
Several people here have described him as 'retarded'. I'm not quite sure what they mean by this, but presumably they are implying low intelligence? As far as I am aware he was actually a well educated and intelligent man. He worked as an income tax clerk, drove his own car to work and spoke several foreign languages. He may not have been a genius, but I strongly believe it would be an injustice to label him as 'retarded' on the basis of his clumsy appearance or awkward manner.
I think possibly what this film demonstrates is how easily people are slotted into pigeonholes. One of the reasons why Stefan Kiszko was convicted was because the police were so keen to see an awkward, fat, socially incompetent man as fitting the 'profile' (their stereotype) of a child molester.