Candida Royalle has found a niche in the porn market for people who want something more than the soft core erotica but who find hardcore porn to be a bit more than they actually want to see. In her Femme productions, Ms Royalle does not use the "money shots" and she tries to employ actresses without augmented breasts. In fact, I cannot recall any breaches of the above rules in any Femme film that I have seen.
There is not much of a plot to this film. Christine (Carol Cross) goes to stay at what appears to be a small honeymoon hotel run by a couple of friends. Apart from the proprietors, the only other people at the hotel are a honeymoon couple and single female guest (Taija Rae). There is also a naked guy who has ensconced himself in an outbuilding without anybody noticing - weird. A film of this sort is all about sex and the cast certainly get their share. Taija Rae and boyfriend Joey Silvera have a great scene in the barn; the honeymoon couple obviously and we find out what that naked guy is there for.
There are a couple of things about this film that irked. The music was too loud and downright boring. The music in the last scene in particular was just the same few bars repeated over and over. For me, the sounds of love making are all part of erotica but the film makers seem to think that boring music is so much better. The lighting could have been better. The light through the windows caused annoying shadows of the window frames and masked flesh tones and contours.
On the technical side, I would question the run time quoted on the title page. Femme's own literature quotes a run time of 72 minutes for the full version and the censored UK VHS release runs for only 60 minutes despite the box cover saying 65 minutes. I like Candida Royalle's approach to erotic films so 6 stars.