Follow the adventures of a shoeshine boy named Timothy and his pet frog named Florence. One day while escaping the local tuffy Barney (whom Timothy owes $5 for letting him use a particular street corner to shine shoes), Timothy finds an old treasure chest. He takes it back to his home (an vacant building) and opens it up to find what's inside. He finds all sorts of old stuff and is excited to discover that the box has a false bottom. He (along with the pet frog) climbs into the box and when he exits again finds himself transported in time, to 100 years earlier. He makes friends with Zachariah Gibson (a guy that sells medicine using tree bark and assorted liquids). The 12 part (?) (15 minute each) series follows Timothy adjusting to 1875 and Zachariah adjusting to 1975 (carriages without horses freaked him out). Along the way we also met Wilma (who owns a local resturant) and Ol' Coop (a Shoe repairman). Some of the adventures include finding out who thiefed Wilma's TV, Ol' Coop needing some coins to complete his old coin collection and trapping some bad guy at the farm house using trip wire. Timothy was always on the run from Barney (who wore a leather jacket) for that $5 - even though Timothy doesn't think he owes him anything.
Downtown Toronto is the scene for the 1975 stuff. The area just north of the Exhibition grounds is scene often.