This was never a popular show but I was re-introduced to it recently while on vacation at my parents' house over the holidays. I taped about ten episodes of the series and watched them back to back one rainy day, sitting on the couch with a salad bowl full of sugary cereal, like I was a kid again.
Well, of course some of the appeal is lost as you grow up but like most things you remember fondly from growing up, much endures.
This was a great cartoon. At the time I was a big Anime fanatic and was totally engrossed in cartoons such as Robotech, Star Blazers, Voltron, etc. The quality of japanese animation was vastly superior to the garbage being churned out in american cartoons by and large.
But a few american cartoons stuck out because they had great storylines and treated kids with respect. So many cartoons then and now treat kids like they're stupid. Look at some of the better cartoons such as Muppet Babies, Bionic Six and Galaxy High. These cartoons went beyond ultra black and white/good vs evil themes. The humor was varied, often sarcastic and often tied into other culture archetypes both pop and historical. The characters were distinctive in personality and not just colored some other shade of neon blah. The stories were rarely preechy but even shows like muppet babies didn't take themselves too seriously.
Of course, we see a lot of this stuff in more recent Disney movies so as to keep the adults entertained as well as the kids, but Disney didn't invent it - not by a long shot.
So seeing these cartoons 15 years later, what can I say? Well, there's too much sound. Backround music is playing constantly and it tends to irritate after awhile. As a kid I don't remember this but it's definately noticeable now. Some of the voices are also a bit too harsh as well. But hey, I think that's me getting old more than anything else.
Some time around 1994 or so Galaxy High played on the Sci-fi channel and I was able to snap up a few more episodes. I think at this point I'm missing only two or three. Reviewing the episode list I think I've only never seen one episode.