This Hal Roach comedy short, The Spanking Age, is the eightieth in the "Our Gang/Little Rascals" series. Mary Ann and little brother Wheezer are not welcomed in their stepmother's house whose daughter Jean also doesn't think much of them. Their father is trying to get a patent for his latest invention so all they have is each other and Pete the Pup for company. To cheer themselves up, they plan a party for their gang friends. Can you guess how this turns out? For a long time, this was a lost film until 1990. Reviews at the time of release were glowing and I can now say how much I agree with them having just seen this on YouTube. Robert F. McGowan should also get kudos for having the adults be seen only from the waist down the whole time as this added to the fun. So on that note, I most highly recommend The Spanking Age. P.S. What a wonderful surprise to hear Laurel & Hardy's "The Cuckoo Song (Dance of the Cuckoos)" among the selections in the organ score!