The Secret Life of Jeffrey Dahmer is a necessary movie. Carl Crew's acting is excellent, especially under the circumstances of a film made from documentary information, about this dull boy, who really has no life at all (within himself, at least). Carl gives the whole as extremely factual, near to the bone but not over-gory, and with emotion too. Although Jeff was known for not being the coolest of guys, and Carl portrayed Jeff in this film to be a teeny bit hip in parts - this was really pretty irrelevant. What was relevant was the facts of Jeff's life, purely! His childhood included, the whole of his years of killing, and the abandonment Jeff felt so often..unbias, nothing blamed. And if anyone was to think that Carl Crew may have 'strange notions' to do the film, he has just gone one step further than those who have written the Dahmer (et al) books, who have gone just one step further than all of the millions of people in the world who study criminology, psychology law etc etc etc. Excellent Film.