"For All Time". . .An absolutely refreshing and entertaining film. Delighted to have this type of fascinating story on the screen in my home. I frequently enjoy watching it again after fortunately having recorded it. It is a prized and valued video. The music, the settings, the intrigue (without any violence, IMAGINE???) Each time I watch it, I realize I have a warm smile feeling from beginning to end. I suppose I sincerely fantasize right into the im???possible plot.
Yes, I agree with some others. This story, or certainly one of it's plot, manner, content, humor and romance (again, without violence)is so very refreshing. It would be exciting for me, anyway, to look forward to similar programming in the near future. Please continue, all those responsible, to make this valuable type of evocative, romantic and almost sublimely comedic entertainment. It is such fun to smile and just plain feel good after watching this Time Travel adventure.