BBC news, once upon a time (for me) was the world leading example of how to give the news, facts and truth without bias.
There was obviously a lot of global respect for the BBC after WW2, where the 'Beeb was world renowned for reporting 'the truth'.
I remember hearing a radio interview with a retiring BBC sports commentator. He described how he got a colossal telling off for his commentary of the world cup,(where England won).
When England scored he commentated excitedly 'we've scored'. He was remonstrated with that, the BBC was unbiased, you don't say 'WE scored' you say 'England scored'
Sadly, those days and those standards are gone.
Technical problems, sound problems now seem common, strange when you think of the technology available now.
They also seemed to have sunk to a 'dumbed down' presentation for us with childish graphics, breakfast butty vans and such.
Dare I say it, the BBC also displays bias. Anything to do with Brexit seems negative. They are happy to report anyones opinion, if it is negative, on Brexit.
The BBC and media in general seems to have decided gossip is now 'facts' and therefore news.
Remember all the news of Trump and Russian involvement. The BBC and all the media kept reporting, without a shred of hard evidence.
Now this item has died. I cannot help but think, that previous BBC mandarins would never have reported gossip or on such flimsy basis
BBC Breakfast news still has good points, but it is (I feel) slowly sliding down to the low standards of the general media.
If so why should we keep paying for it?