As there are only two comments, TWO COMMENTS? I thought I would leave another if only to make this program seem better than it is by sheer number of commenter's.
This show was one of the best and definitely most experimental shows(excepting changing rooms of course) ever to grace the screens of the BBC. Lots of weird, philosophical one-liners that in some cases you had to think about whilst the next jokes were almost passing you by too. The show had a unique, fast pace. Not like 'the Fast Show', no, not at all. More of a 'that sketch is now useless here comes the next one..!'and with a double drum-beat (ba-boom!), the sketches were stitched together. My favourite part of the show was the character of Simon Munnery in the tall hat whereupon he stood atop a specially converted van with a screen behind him, a camera on his walking stick and a microphone(sometimes a megaphone) just to get a point across. This section would appear to be filmed, as-is, no poses..just a live recording of him, doing what can only be described as SHOUTING at the slowly forming group/audience of members of the public which would be standing around the van, no doubt in wonder. This tirade of jokes(some of which I am sure were completely misunderstood, if understood at all), would always start with 'Attention Scum'. Hehe, I like that.
The humour is difficult to pigeon-hole.
There was an obvious play on superiority and mocking the so called great thinkers and the like. Mocking idiots and 'the public' was common too. There was also a good amount of mocking religion. No religion singled out though, all of them are bad, and good: but Christianity well.. that is just funny in the hands of Munnery.
I think this show won awards much to everyones surprise.
If you have not seen this and like any form of subversive or intellectual, clever or just sarcastic and cynical humour: hunt this out.