I bought "End of the Harvest" in a DVD bargain bin (five bucks) last year, just hoping for a decent Christian-themed movie. After starting the movie, I was drawn-in by the characters and situations that were presented in the film, and I found two different themes within the movie.
The setting is on a college campus, and the main theme of the movie surrounds a study/essay of calculating the exact date of when Jesus will return and the world will end. The other theme involved a heavily promoted campus debate between Christians and non-Christians. This story was stronger and much more compelling to me, as it related to how to prepare yourself, as a Christian, to defend your faith. The two stories are tied together by a re-occurring dream that the main character has, involving a man in a field sifting wheat.
It was easy to relate to the characters in this movie, and the situations that they were up against. I tend to be a little harder on Christian-produced movies, as they are usually low-budget, and the stories are usually lack-luster and "cliche-ridden". But this one was different. I found the acting and production values to be pretty good for a low-budget movie and the story and situations were interesting and realistic for the most part.
The movie does have a sort of 80's/early 90's feel to it, but I think it has aged pretty well. I felt that the "end-times" theme was a little cheesy, but with the recent passing of the December 2012 hype, it sort of relates to our times too. And the stronger theme of movie involves standing up for what you believe as a Christian, and that relates to any age.
Some actors will be recognized from 80's TV, and recent Christian-themed hits such as the popular movie "Courageous". I can certainly recommend this movie to anyone who likes Christian-produced movies, as this one is better than average. I gave it a 7 instead of an 8 only because of the slightly-cheesy dream subplot with a sort of corny "twist" ending. But overall a good watch.