HORROR is meant to be disjointed, disorienting, and disturbing. It succeeds at being all three. Like any nightmare, things jump around in chronology, or mutate into something completely different. The images -the goat, the jack-o-lanterns, etc.- are all part of Director Dante Tomaselli's dream / fun house approach to filmmaking. He prefers things off-kilter and gloomy.
The film's main character, Grace Salo (Lizzy Mahon) is at the mercy of her malevolent parents (Christie Sanford and Vincent Lamberti), who keep her drugged and imprisoned. Enter a trio of mushroom-eating teens, who arrive at the Salo place for a party. Due to the combination of drugs, the constant dream state, and the dark forces in play, the story twists around like a non-linear pretzel!
Since time and space cease to have much relevance, HORROR only makes sense on its own bizarre terms. Critics seem to take it far too seriously, as if the world may end after viewing it. Rabid fans take the opposite stance, as if this were the greatest horror movie ever filmed. Neither side is correct. In actuality, it's a decent little low-low-budget movie that gets high marks for heavy atmosphere and an overall sense of inescapable doom...