First I would like to say to anyone interested in obtaining this film, you must find the uncut version, namely 'Savage Encounter' and not the cut 76 minute USA version known as 'Demon Lust'. Secondly, you must understand that there is certainly a demon in this film, that being the demon of the mind. Thirdly and most importantly this is without a doubt one wild and sleazy celluloid sickie that will highly offend some viewers but for the most part ' savage encounter ' has everything any grind house enthusiast wants: torture / kidnapping /reveng theme / etc. Not to be missed by fans of sleazy psycho sexual horror. We give it 10 stars. Like I said before, it's definitely for genre fans, something the previous commenter evidently know's nothing about. Maybe the fact that it sat in the trunk of his car for 2 YEARS tell's us something else about the previous reviewer...snicker.