My wife loves watching telenovelas, I usually don't care for them. But this one is different to any other telenovela I have ever seen. So very different that I couldn't resist watching almost every episode.
Instead of finding capable actors, the producers of this show have concentrated entirely on finding incredibly good looking photo models. Acting abilities were apparently not required, good measurements were. At least 5 or 6 of the main female characters are so stunningly beautiful that you cannot take your eyes off the screen. And the lead character Rosaura, oh my god what a babe.
To top things off, most of these girls run around in either bikinis or otherwise very revealing clothing. I swear you will never forget the sight of Camelia in her tight jeans or her long black leather pants...
I cannot comment about the male characters, but my wife was apparently pleased by the looks of some of the leads. Good for her.
The acting is indeed among the worst I have ever seen, the story is dragged out artificially more than one can bear, the plot is in many places completely unrealistic and even illogical, the sets are ridiculously overused, but who cares with so much to see and enjoy...
Many here have commented on the cringe-worthy Panchita. While her scenes are indeed totally obnoxious, they are not the worst yet. A severe word of warning is required here: Easily 10 times more unbearable than the Panchita-scenes are the ridiculous talking-parrot scenes. Well, you can always go grab a new beer...