Ma Shan wakes up to find he has lost his police issue gun. This is going to be bad. With 3 bullets in it, it could mean the death of 3 or even 6 people if a professional got ahold of it. Or so his angry captain points out. Shan can't remember what happened last night as he got fall-down drunk at his sister's wedding. He races frantically about town, investigating those who were also at the wedding and accusing several of stealing his gun.
He has been married for 8 years to a fairly grumpy women when his ex-girlfriend moves back to town. The next day, she is killed with Shan's gun. This movie was non-suspenseful thriller. Fairly well done, quirky and interesting character, decent acting and a moderately intriguing story, I found myself watching with more of bemused expression than one of suspense. I was curious to find out who had the gun, not worried, not nervous, not involved. Although the movie was decent, nothing stood out, nothing will stick with me from this film.
I love good Chinese food, and for the most part, I've found that little local places are the best places to find good Chinese. In Provo, UT, there is a restaurant called Shoots that is amazing. Since I love Chinese food, I've been to P.F. Chang's twice. Everyone I know raves about it, but when I went I wasn't impressed. I can hardly remember what I had (orange peel chicken and great wall of Chocolate and spring rolls, I think). Nothing was bad, but nothing stood out as being great. "Oh, you have to try the lettuce wraps!" No, I wasn't impressed when I went, and I wouldn't miss it if I never went again. There is much better Chinese throughout the world. 5/10.