This is just a taste of things to come for next years Power Ranger series. The story revolves around Ryouga/Abared, a very optimistic and slap happy character. Sanjo/Abablue, a somewhat arrogant chiropracter. Ranru/Abayellow, a mechanic whose obssessed with cars. And finally, Asuka, a warrior from Dino Earth, an alternate dimension of Earth. Together, they are the Abarangers whose mission is to fight off the Evorians, invaders from Dino Earth. They team is assisted by the Blast Dragons, evolved bio-mechanical Dinosaurs. Each of them teamed with a specific Blast Dragons.
Tyranno is the Red Blast Dragon. He's serious about everything and is very short tempered. A contrast to the Ryouga's slap happy attitude.
Cera is the Blue Blast Dragon. He's a bit immature and an ease dropper.
Ptera is the Yellow Blast Dragon. She's is very kind and sweet dino.
Brachio is the Black Blast Dragon. He's a wise dino, but is somewhat of a pacifist and doesn't want to fight.
The rangers are also assisted by Ryuunosuke, an old man, Emiko, a ditzy "geek" girl, and Mai, Ryouga's niece.
There is a lot of dramatic and comedic elements in the series. Some drama includes Ryouga being Mai's sole gaurdian after her parents die. Unfortunately, Ryouga is somewhat irresponsible and is clueless about being a father figure. Some comedic elements include Ryouga and Tyranno arguing, one incident was when Tyranno got mad at Ryouga, bit his head, thrashed him around like a rag doll, and threw him half way across the city.
I am hoping by the time Doug Sloan is done with Power Rangers Ninja Storm and moves on to this series that he adopts some of these story ideas and doesn't screw it up in the process.