"Exhumed" is a microbudget movie shot on DV that features three intersecting tales set in different time periods. Each segment has few things in common: zombies, the Necronomicon, and...horrendous acting! OK, that's a bit harsh. The first story features a samurai confronted with the living dead in the middle of the woods in feudal Japan. It is an interesting concept, but poorly executed with an anti-climactic ending. The second story is a B&W pseudo-noir about a 1940s detective investigating grave robbings. The lead character is likable, but unfortunately the actress is awful (think noir-imitator meets bored porn star.)
Halfway through this segment I was ready to turn off the movie. Fortunately, I stayed with it, because the final story is worth catching. It takes place in the future, where vampires and werewolves are at war against each other. Sounds like Underworld? Well the vampires here are hipster mods and the werewolves are rockabilly bikers! I would love to see a full-length film with such an amusing premise! During a fight, the opposing gangs are terminated by a group of neo-nazi-ish humans. The loan survivors, a female vampire and a female werewolf, are captured, experimented on, and pitted against zombies for the human entertainment! The acting in this story is much better, although it gets a bit grating listening to the lead actresses spit their dialogue out through their fake teeth. The three stories are connected in a clever way, and by the end of the movie I didn't think it was half bad. With basically no budget, I found it to be a rather charming b-movie. The director is clearly talented and I would be interested in seeing what he could do if he were provided with more resources.
My Rating: 5/10.