Kat (Debra Messing), an airline executive, fears going alone to her snooty sister's wedding in London. This is especially so because her ex-fiancé will be there as well. Though young and beautiful, Kat nevertheless plunks down a cool $6,000 for a professional escort. In return, the gorgeous Nick (Dermot Mulroney) must play the role of her new and attentive boyfriend. Kat's sister, Amy, a la Monsoon Wedding, has planned her wedding extravaganza to last four days, complete with picnics, cricket, splashy parties and more. Can Kat and Nick pull it off? Do they have enough natural attraction for each other? And what about past loves? Messing and Mulroney make this film work, period. The script has some weaknesses and letdowns, but the darling duo rises above them. The nice scenery and costumes are also a bonus. There is a moment when Kat tells Nick he is worth every penny. The same could be said of the ticket price, as watching Debra and Dermot is very satisfying. Sometimes, the world just needs a silly love movie. What's wrong with that? I'd like to know.