Amazing film about a relationship between two people from different generations. Well, the thought of an adult and a young girl is often disturbing but this is not about a sexual relationship but more of a psychological connection and deep mental attraction. It's those moments where two complete strangers meet and they themselves are surprised to find themselves appealing to each other in different ways. One is frustrated with his job and another is bored with her own peers but it's never that anyone of them was pursuing any such old young relationship. But it just happens. And it doesn't seem vulgar at all. Those who want to interpret it as vulgar can do so but this was more of a friendship, the evolving bond between the middle aged man and the young precocious girl. Superb acting and great directorial debut and definitely a story that is unique and unexpected but don't watch if you're looking for a Hollywoodish movie. It's not really a masterpiece kind of story but definitely different and still intriguing.