It's bizarre, but evidentially IMDb is allowing Video games to be rated. So here goes: I have only played the first title in this two game set, named Final Fantasy I.
The game by todays standards isn't the best as far as graphics, sound or even story goes, but for 1988, it was groundbreaking at least for the NES which was the first game system it was released on. This is an updated version of the original NES Final Fantasy I game, complete with nicely rendered CGI openings and endings. The graphics have even been updated to "16 bit" quality. The playability is much better than the original NES version reminding me more of Final Fantasy IV (known as Final Fantasy II in the states). It is one of the more challenging titles from Square and I've played every final Fantasy they have come out with except for II and III. This game is a MUST for a Final Fantasy collector such as myself who likes to have 11 FF titles on their shelf ready to play in a PS2 at a moments notice. Now if Square would only release FF III as an updated version. Maybe they could include Illusion of Gaia ... heres hoping! :)
I'll rate this 7/10.