I really enjoyed this film. I never heard about it before but the cover of it caught my attention with a picture of what may just be, Marilyn Manson with a dunce cap on. It looks like the American cover is different than the one that I saw. Anyhow, it would be "stupid" to talk about this point right now. The fact of the matter is this is a very good film. Yes, it can be scary. It is sad the way we are being submerged in a sea of horrid media and we eat it up. It is true that people who are supposedly educated professors are often big "morons", or even the people that run countries. This film captivated my interest and I felt like I needed to change my own viewing habits. For instance: anyone can become an internet celebrity even without their knowledge. Although this is a scary prospect that does occur; the film did not focus on this issue. The film is often very tongue in cheek but also cuts with a sharp edge. I laughed, I cried and I decided to not sit like a dullard in front of the "boob tube" to watch the crap that they shovel us. Yes, we are all morons and we need to free our mind of any intelligence because to pretend that we are smart would just be a lie. Check this film out it will change the way you look at things.