If you put too much of expectations in this movie - you might end up slightly disappointed. This is how I felt upon leaving the cinema.
It's a well-thought action with the boxing session at the very beginning of the movie being the most spectacular scene throughout more than two hours of screen time. I couldn't help thinking of two movies while watching it: Brat-2 and Boumer. In terms of form it's similar to both of them: dynamic, colourful and oftentimes witty, though in terms of substance it certainly lags behind: unlike Brat it lacks any message, unlike Boumer it does not impress with novelty.
Have to pay tribute to the actors, Andrei Panin being brilliant as usually, rising stars Denis Nikiforov and Yelena Panova also performing superbly.
Don't expect much of this movie, and if you feel like watching a good piece of action you'll definitely enjoy it.