I may not agree with everything that Republicans do, but I don't agree with everything that Democrats do either. That's why I'm an Independent. Anyway, this was a really informative and interesting documentary. There are interviews with Republicans involved in the entertainment industry of America such as Drew Carey, Vincent Gallo, Ben Stein, and John Milius among others. There is a common stereotype that Republicans just rant and are always angry. People like Rush Limbaugh certainly don't help this common misconception. I'm happy to see that whole idea done away with completely once the interviewees actually sit down and talk frankly about what life is like in the industry. I also applaud the effort in going so far as to follow the efforts of Arnold Schwarzenegger to become mayor. That was all done very well and was interesting. I liked that Jesse Moss(the director) is a democrat and actually takes the time to unearth these ideas in an honest and hate-free way. It was really nice. The documentary works fine. I hate politics, mainly because I seem to know more about politics than almost everybody around me, so I am not particularly interested in seeing this again. But it's a solid documentary and it's worth checking out for anybody who is interested.
-Good interviews
-relaxed filming
-no stereotypes or egos on display
-generally very thought provoking
-I would have liked to hear from more Republicans like Sylvester Stallone or someone
-WAY WAY WAY too short