I don't like this film because of three reasons.First of them is the content.There is no plot in this film, we only see pictures of ordinary life, we see characters eating dinner, watching TV and so on, but it's not realistic movie.All these casual activities are shown in highly poetic way,nevertheless poetry doesn't make it more interesting,on the contrary, this kind of poetry is clumsy and unconvincing.Second reason is visual aspect;Pokoj Saren is made by means of digital camera that's why it doesn't look like real movie, it seems to be more like TV program.The third reason is music.It's essential part of the film,there are no dialogs in it, only music and singing(subtitle of the movie is "An Autobiographical Opera").Unfortunately,the music is terribly pretentious- it pretends to be sophisticated, lofty, beautiful, but is simply artificial. All in all, this film isn't worth seeing, after 10 minutes I wanted to turn out the TV set.