My work received a screener pack from Maple for movies released in June. Through past experiences most of the films in them were, well just plain appalling. And I would end up turning them off within the first few seconds. But this movie caught my eye from the very start. The art for the cover was rather dark and somewhat scary looking, so of course I loved it! I found myself relating to the film really quickly. Just brought me back to when I was a teenager and playing hide and seek in a graveyard, good times. So most people can find themselves relating to this movie, which in return makes it much more freaky, cause you start to think about this stuff happening to you, which in all respects it can. Its not one of those movies that are far fetched and just unbelievable.
You get a Friday the 13th vibe in this movie from the very start, mostly from the surroundings and the kills in it. Not to mention the fact that it is based in a summer camp. The one down fall is that the killer is easily guessed. Within the first ten minutes I had a good idea of who it was and why they were killing.
I would defiantly recommend this film to a horror fan. It has all the factors of a good horror film, blood, knives, those characters who you hate and would like to kill yourself, some laughs, but not too many, a straight to the point plot, no extremely unbelievable stories. And finally the whole fear with being able to relate to the story, there is nothing more scary then that.
Truly worth a watch.