There isn't really a whole lot one can do in making a horror movie that doesn't at least remind you of another horror movie you've seen. In that respect, Blood Relic is no different.
There's not enough time spent showing how all these folks who know each other actually know each other, or why those who DON'T know the others are there in the first place.
Some films talk too long about integral parts of the movie, but Blood Relic just slaps the main inanimate character in, expects you to believe it, and then tries half heartedly about halfway through to explain where it came from.
A few gratuitous partial nudity shots for no apparent reason, some excess blood from small wounds and not enough from large ones, and a few other shortcomings detracted from the whole movie.
My main complaint is that the characters aren't explained or developed at all. After each character's fatal meeting with the bad guy(s), you're generally left thinking "Awww, and I hardly even knew that one, either." I had no problem with the movie though. As someone who takes every opportunity available to watch what others routinely refer to as 'bad' movies, I'd give it a five (or even better) because it had a little of the horror, blood, screeching, running around senselessly, etc. that I've come to love in my movie fare.
And another feature to this flick... Do you simply LOVE a freaky ending? I like unexpected twists, as long as they're plausible. The ending of Blood Relic is...
Something you'll just have to see for yourself!