Hanbando is a Korean nationalist fantasy involving a search for the missing national Seal Of Korea, a Japanese conspiracy to renew its colonial control of Korea, and patriots and traitors battling over the destiny of the Korean nation. If this sounds nail-biting, believe me it ain't. At 147 minutes (2hrs. 27 min), it is overlong by at least 50%. There is a seemingly endless series of discussions over the plight of Korea which are agonizingly tedious to sit through. Several scenes which go back and forth from the present to Korea of the 19th Century are, of course, intended to show the still unresolved situation in Korea, with Japan as the still-threatening arch enemy. An underlying theme throughout the film is the supposed effort of the world's major powers, including the U.S., Japan, China and Russia to hold Korea back and to thwart Korean unification. For all this political content, this is an extremely boring film.