I don't typically watch titles from Playboy on the makings of "special" pictorial spreads. It's cheap, they're boring affairs. I want well produced actual video segments. What I didn't know is 'Hottest Housewives' isn't that. I'll concede there's nice visuals here, but you're getting them as you watch behind the scenes as photos get taken.
The women featured are definitely good looking amateurs as opposed to the standard array of professional models. However watching them stand in place as a photographer snaps shots isn't super inviting. The focus is certainly blondes too, but that's always been Playboy's bread and butter. A mix of single moms, married, a few divorced in the typical 20's, 30's age range except for the 40's blonde looker Loree Bischoff. Naturally some enhanced breasts.
An assortment of soundbites with the chosen ladies and Playboy staff chew up time in between the nudity. You can consider it cheap, tacky especially when you consider they didn't cut you a price break. This release would have costed you the same as picking up one of their A+ titles with much better eye candy. 'Hottest Housewives' scores a few points, but it's format leaves it feeling subpar.