I have already played Lockdown and I have to say, I'm satisfied. Yes, as it was said before, you're not able to switch between your teams now, however this limitation is replaced by the "save" option. Once you are dead you can load your last save and play the game from the point you died. This makes me happy because I thought I would destroy my comp anytime I had to play the whole level again just because some forgotten tango had killed me a second before I ended my mission. Yes, it's a bit out of being a real anti-terrorist hero, but it's up to you whether you use this opportunity or not. This game brings a great improvement though, you can finally aim through the weapon sights. I missed it a lot! This game is also for everyone who missed the H&K G36 in RB6. Or Glock. Also that stupid perspective of all weapons is gone. Weapons in Raven Shield seemed a little too tight to me, so I was wondering if something changed in this area. And I found out they had worked on it. Well, I also have to say that you should expect stupid team-mates who are gonna make you crazy every time they brake into a room. They start to scream and talk and chat and report... they do anything but shoot. Well I'm a little exaggerating but not too much. OK. Now I repeat what I said before. Generally I'm satisfied. Everything what I missed is implemented. However some new deficiencies appeared. But in spite of the last mentioned I would buy it again if I had to.