This is the first ever series coming out of Denmark to be shown on German TV, I believe- and bullseye right from the beginning! We all have seen lots of crime fiction on TV now, haven't we, with lots of corpses lying around, lots of gun firing, lots of blood gushing out of enormous wounds... This series shows us, the opposite is possible AND exciting. Don't you believe it? Watch it! Anna Pihl is a normal policewoman, no hero, no über-mensch, no tough bitch, she is a human being who happens to work in the police force. She lives together with her young son in a shared flat with a gay guy, has trouble with her father who gets older and is looking for Mr Right - or rather Mr Right, or two of them, to be precise, are looking for her. Everyday life. Everyday cases during work. And exactly that makes this series so great. Beautiful, to be more explicit. Of course you get thrilling scenes with screeching tyres and honking horns, swearing criminals and not-so-amused bosses. But it all looks real, as if work in the Copenhagen police force is exactly like this. Or in any other northern/ western European city. This series is a nice opportunity to get away from all that American fast food the channels like to serve so very often. Once in a while a little gem from Denmark is like expensive ice cream in your favourite flavour for dessert. Thank you, producers! 8 out of 10, for sure!