Any film made with rampaging birds is bound to be immediately compared with the Alfred Hitchcock classic 'The Birds', especially if it has the hero of that film, Rod Taylor, playing a cameo role. Now this was Rod's pen ultimate movie appearance at 76, and he probably only accepted it for a laugh, but he does lend it some heavyweight clout, and is the main reason I bought it on DVD. Having said that, it's light on plot, but considering the minuscule budget compared with what Hitchcock would have had, it's quite well done, of course they had the added benefit of CGI, which of course Alfred didn't. From the extras I learnt that they had 11 trained ravens to work with, plus a couple of mechanical ones, and of course the CGI effects. Unlike 'The Birds' at least there's a reason given for the birds behavior, even if implausible, and the ending is equally anti climactic, still, as I say, anything with Rod Taylor in the cast can't be all bad, and it's better than a lot of stuff being churned out!