This show is an unfunny ripoff of the hilarious Comedians of Comedy. The comedians (aside from Gary Gulman, who is actually pretty funny) are bland, boring and not funny. Comedians of comedy, a tour featuring Patton Oswalt, Brian Poshen, Maria Bramford and Zach Galefanakis was entirely more funny, more interesting and more entertaining. Even the parts of the show where the comedians weren't on stage doing their acts were funny. On Tourgasm off stage as well as on the comedians are NOT funny. The 'on the bus' antics on CoC were hilarious where as the bus antics on Tourgasm, aside from not being funny were just painful to watch. Poor Unfunny Jay Davis, getting picked on by the Mean and Unfunny Robert Kelly. I know comedians, in general, when offstage aren't always "on" but even when these losers are "on" they are off.