If you go past the cheesy voice acting, Chaotic is actually not that bad of a TV Show, but my main gripe with it, is how the universe seem to have been dumbed down in order for the show to target kids.
It needed a more dark, gloomy atmosphere, like the Animated Series from the 80s, instead we have the most annoying kids as protagonists traveling around the world of Chaotic battling each other and getting involved into the Chaotic's universe with other major characters... or not so much.
The problem is that the human protagonists, apart from being annoying, are almost always doing something in relation to Chaotic, but the interactions with the beings from Chaotic are very limited, so most of the episodes are just filled with 10 minutes of battling between humans (sometimes the whole episode is like that, rarely it doesn't involve battling), and at best, the rest being "plot development". If there's any plot ; Season 1 has more like stand-alone episodes rather than being plot-focused. Season 2 & 3 however are more plot-focused but not entirely.
Chaotic is the complete opposite to Digimon on that aspect. (by the way watch Digimon in its Japanese -read original- version to see what I'm talking about, not the 4Kids dumbed down version, it's actually not bad at all) The art direction is not bad at all for the creatures, but terribly lame on the humans. Season 1 uses flash animation, it works well on the creatures but it only makes the human protagonists even more ugly. Season 2 & 3 use traditional animation, I like it better than flash, but it's not as fluid.
The music is so-so in my opinion, some themes are damn good, but others are just plain bad, some of the most aggravating ones comes when a "mugic" (some sort of power-up) is activated. Usually the better themes are those that conveys a serious/epic feel, others however just underlines how dumbed down and sometimes even childish the show is.
All in all, the artwork of the card's game may completely mislead you into thinking that this show is actually quite mature, or at least for mid-late teenagers, but this show has been butchered and toned down so much, that it would hardly get a 5/10.
I give it a 4/10, but I'm sure if it had been transcribed in its original state, it would deserve at least a 7/10.