Well, the main girl character is easy on the eyes. The movie, however, isn't. I have no idea how this movie made it to Lion's Gate. Poor script, poor characters, poor dialogue, worst psychopath ever, no idea what happened to the driver of the car -- yet, this made it to the video store. Lion's Gate easily spent more money on packaging than it did on the movie. The shots tended to go way too long (i guess they really needed to extend it), the use of slow motion looks choppy. The only way, I mean the only way, this movie would have been interesting if the main female character went topless (it's part of the horror genre). No idea why this movie was rated R, spent the last 5 minutes of the movie on bloopers to extend the movie more, no mention of which concert they were going to, music was flat/no feeling, over-acting or no acting ability, definitely from Canada with the accents, the trucker's beard was fake looking, the only character that acted nicely was the father from the beginning who really did look concerned -- concerned that the movie was going to be bad. I liked the car driver character only because he made me laugh. There were more holes in this story and more lighting problems than I have ever seen in a film. In summary, I feel cheated out of an hour. Lion's Gate should be ashamed of themselves.