Following a worldwide zombie epidemic, a small band of survivors that fight back against the creatures manage to free a group of women being used as breeding fodder but are taken back to their compound, and learning of their capabilities launch a full-on assault to destroy the zombies.
There was some really good stuff to this one. One of the greatest aspects of this one is the film's incredibly interesting and original story which is insanely clever and actually believable. This is mostly brought about by the concept of the zombie's farm since it's portrayed as not coming from them but are conditioned to accept it, which is a new touch and figures to include some new elements into the film based on its sheer integration. The scenes showing the early workings of the facility are great fun, where the zombies' lives are shown in different levels of interaction and a social order is clearly established. That it's done in the middle of a war is really great as it allows for a spectacular series of scenes that carry on the action from the beginning. The big shootout which takes place in the fields is really good, the big battle at the campground is pretty exciting and manages to get really chaotic in what's going on and a great series of encounters in the woods around the camp as they come up with their rescue plans that makes it all the better. There's also the big scenes at the compound which is where it gets really enjoyable, with the first escape attempt making for a rather enjoyable sequence, while the big assault is a lot of fun mixing in everything from gore to action to a little bit of humor as well. These, mixed with a really nice amount of gore and really nice looking zombies with a ton of scars and facial wounds and even missing or burnt away skin create impressive-looking creatures, make for a highly enjoyable effort. There wasn't a whole lot of stuff wrong with this one. One of the biggest flaws is the films' few storyline instances that don't make a lot of sense. Despite being told that the camp was a rehabilitation effort, nothing is shown of teaching the captives anything, and the only one that has any sort of contact is the one who has a name. When the place is attacked and the captives are taken out for protection, they are said to escape and no one goes after them, despite being told tons of times about the importance of keeping them away from the zombies. Another one is the revelation at the very end about what kind of compound it actually is, which is a missed opportunity and really should've been told earlier. The only other part that becomes much of a flaw is the apparent shying away from using a lot of variety with its gore. Most of the blood tends to come from head- shots of varying degrees of blood-splatter, which isn't all that unique or impressive. Usually, the genre tends to come up with a few inventive gags with each entry, but this one doesn't do that and doesn't tend to give a lot of options. As it also rips off a famous ending from another film with it's ending here being another minor problem, these here are all that's really wrong with the film.
Rated UR/R: Graphic Violence and Language.