"Gimme Skelter" is the story of Charles Manson's illegitimate son who has decided to start a family of his own. Like his father, this family will thrive on murder and sex, culminating in one night of complete chaos.
This film comes to us thanks to Scott Phillips, the writer and director. While I am not familiar with his work, his resume shows that he is a veteran of independent film. Ending up with Halo 8 is the perfect home for him, as they've been distributing some of the best independent and low-budget films for years.
What will likely draw people in to this film are cult icons Trent Haaga and Gunnar Hansen, and rightfully so. Both men do fine work, as we'd expect. I was not drawn in to the movie immediately, but Gunnar's inclusion pushed my interest to a new level. It should be said, however, that these are not the only two people worth paying attention to.
There is plenty of sex and gore to be found in this film, much of it within the first few minutes. If that's what you're looking for (and I imagine it may be if you're an independent horror fan) you shouldn't be disappointed. Perky breasts and flowing crimson are available here.
My only concern with this film was it's ability to hold my interest. Now, granted, I was drinking cheap box wine and it was late into the night by the time I was watching this one... but aside from the blood and sex, there was little that held my interest. A second viewing may clear this problem up, but it's hard to say. Not the worst of the independent films -- not even close -- but could use improvement, as well.