Kinda stupid, SUPER constructed and an underwhelming. But nevertheless, really entertaining.
Lau, Schwarz and Möhring are great, Herfurth is excellent. Haase is solid. M'Barek lacks and Fitz comes short. Not a surprise though.
There's really not much sense in talking about the story. It's adapted, it's constructed all the way through.
The first hour is great, honestly.
But where most movies do wrong, aka drag on for too long in the middle, "Das perfekte Geheimnis" does the opposite. The pace picks up IMMENSELY during the end of the second act, unfortunately. Leading to a very rushed ending and therefore, an unsatisfying conclusion.
Leaves a bad taste in the mouth and would otherwise have definitely earned an 8/10.
The lighting is so very artificial, but a casual viewer won't notice. Some minor technical issues.
Overall, refreshing and quite entertaining.
But having 80% of Germany's A-Class in a single movie will do the trick. Seems like a big friendship project and less like Constantin Film's usual lazy cash grab.
The prejudice, the lobbyism and privilege still shines through underneath all the pseudo-awareness of social issues.
7 rich people doing superficial stuff. Am I talking about the characters or the actual actors? Who knows.
Enough of the critique.
Finally a funny German comedy.