I watched this movie open-minded (It supposedly had an 8 on IMDB, before the negative reviews came in). I was fairly disappointed straight from the beginning, mostly due to VERY illogical behavior from the main characters, rather average acting, terrible foreign languages (I speak German and I can't understand half the German lines lol), weird plot turns.
Right in the beginning the characters are faced with a situation where they can a) do nothing b) attack or c) find a creative solution. They script, almost like always, chooses the most boring option A rather than either the logical or the creative options. That makes the movie very boring to watch, without any surprises.
I was constantly hoping for some kind of interesting turn of events, but even when the options were presented the makers decided to take the greyest possible choice and return back to flatline. The movie essentiall is trying to portray ww2 by showing a horse and wagon, people in uniforms and 'old barns' - otherwise it's decidedly absent and the story is really just about a few guys who make dumb choices all the time.
Barely worth the watch despite that I'm heavily into ww2. Sorry, I'd have liked to like this!