Using phone fraud, a real life problem, as a hook and showing the main characters having fun doing it were the things that sold me the show.
But If the hook was interesting the thing that made me stay was the twisted sense of conduct of the characters. They have a clear reason for not only doing that but beliving what they are doing is the right thing to do, which made the characters more likeable.
Watching the show was really enjoyable, most of the characters were well realised and fun to watch, the episodes have a nice leght , it never felt dragging on , or focusing on too many characters. We had some anime like overreactions but (in most cases) it never felt so out of place or distracting, but it can be a problem for some people.
My biggest gripe with the show is that it blends comedy and drama but whenever it tries something dark it never manages to embrace the darkness of the moment leaving some scenes that were supposed to be heavy feeling kind of meaningless or having less impact that it should have had.