Henry Ford with his Ford T in the automotive sector, after
Ray Kroc for the MacDo franchises in the fast food sector, here is the story of Toru Muranishi who developed porn business across the Japanese archipelago. Or how a poor lover and a pathetic door-to-door salesman became an emotion-less businessman in the Japanese porn, thanks to the bini-bon, the ura-bon and then the video. He was an innovative entrepreneur and the well-known director of a Japanese company massively producing adult videos. He was even nicknamed « the dirtiest of the industry's dirty old men ».
As a synthesis, this series is really enjoyable.
PS: the recurrent extracts of the song 'The passenger' from
Iggy Pop and interpreted by
Siouxsie and the Banshees are in perfect adequacy with this series: « I am the passenger, And I ride and I ride, I ride through the city's backside. »